Make sure that the file is named exactly like this, and save it in a location where you can easily find it back, for example on your desktop. The instructions assume that you already have a license file (asreml.lic). Here I explain only the one that I have found easiest. There are multiple ways of installing and registering ASReml. Although I did not test this for ASReml, in principle you should be able to run the 32-bit version on a 64-bit platform, but not the other way around. In Windows 7, you can find this by going to Control Panel System and Security System, under System - System type. As always, be careful and proceed at your own risk! - If you are a Windows user, you will need to find out whether you are running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. Installing and registering ASReml-R 8 Windows 8 Mac OS 8 Appendix 1: Using ConTEXT with ASReml under Windows 10 1Ģ Read this before you begin - As you will be installing new software and making some changes to your system, you will need the administrator password. Running the standalone version of ASReml 5 Windows 5 1) Using a graphical user interface 5 2) From the command line 5 Mac OS 7 4. Installing and registering the standalone version of ASReml 3 Windows 3 Mac OS 4 3.

Downloading ASReml 3 and ASReml-R 2 Stand-alone ASReml 2 ASReml-R 2 2. 1 ASReml Installation Guide Zurich, May 2014 Please any questions, corrections and additions to Erik Postma Contents Read this before you begin 2 1.